At Totem Road, we often refer to our products being toxic free, but what does this really mean? And why does it matter?
On one of our favourite podcasts The Imprint Home, stylist Natalie Walton asks Nicole Bijlsma, a leading building biologist, who is passionate about educating people about the impact of materials in our homes, the very same things.
Nicole speaks about the impact that mould electromagnetic fields and toxic chemicals can have on your health, and well-being and it's truly, an episode that can't be missed.
Natalie and Nicole briefly touch on mattresses and how unregulated they are with chemicals when made overseas. Totem Road Organic Latex Mattresses in contrast are made in Australia, certified organic, non-toxic, free from polyurethane foams, anti-bacterial and breathable.

After listening to this episode, The UNDONE founder and content creator Sara Crampton upgraded to one of our mattresses. She spoke about all of the rain Sydney has had this year and how mould was front of mind.
"[On the podcast] they briefly touched on mattresses and how unregulated they are with chemicals if made overseas and that we could be breathing them in unknowingly while we sleep. Eek!"
That same week, Sara learned of our Australian made certified, non toxic, free from polyurethane foams, anti-bacterial and breathable mattress.
"We made the switch and we are so happy with our choice," she said.